The music video for “Digging Deep” has been well-received by programmers and music fans alike; as a result, it is appearing in many cool places, networks, and web sites!

Fuse will be featuring it as “Video Of The Day.” We will keep you posted as we find out the specific date so you can check it out!

MTV definition essay on success has just added the video, and you can see it anytime at! Please leave us video comments on MTV’s website (you have to log on to do so, but it only takes a few seconds). It really helps! We appreciate your support!

“Digging Deep” will be airing in Journeys stores nation-wide in the month of February! Thanks to Journeys for customs essay tweeting about The Melismatics as well!

The video is appearing in many other places. It has appeared on internet TV like The Street Beat (it is currently in their TOP 10!), Blank TV,, and many more! The video is also popping up in more surprising places like indie-movie theaters, clubs like The 9:30 Club in Washington D.C., and in retail stores custom essay writing service reviews like Ikea, Macy’s, and Rentway.

Once again, we’d like to recognize executive producer Zachary Vex (of ZVex Effects fame), director Justin Staggs, producer Rachel Morgan, director of photography Randy Smith, Fischer Edit, the entire crew, and all the extras that showed up to the Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater for the final scene.

2012 The Melismatics.All rights reserved.